As the cost of living, affordable housing, and inflation hit everyone in the province, it also has a profound impact on Nova Vita and stretches the valuable work we do in our community. We value our supporters; you help us keep the lights on and ensure safety for individuals and families impacted by domestic violence in our community.
A provincial election has been called, and we hope that anyone looking to form government in Ontario would share our concerns and have actionable plans ready to address domestic violence in Ontario. Domestic violence is the number one reason women and children are homeless. As candidates attend events, knock on your doors or participate in debates, we hope that you can ask them how they will support Nova Vita, and ensure that the good work happening to end gender-based violence is funded.
Here are some ways that you can start the conversation with candidates:
“I am a supporter of Nova Vita and I value the work they do to end gender based violence in Brantford and the County of Brant.
- 97 Municipalities in Ontario have declared intimate partner violence an epidemic. Can we count on your support to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic?
- Can we count on your support to increase funding to women’s shelters, so they don’t need to rely on donations to fund essential services?
- How do you intend to support our community with access to affordable housing, and addressing food insecurity?
- Part of the solution to ending intimate partner violence is education. How do you see promoting public education programs about ending domestic violence and its impact on individuals and families living in our community?”
For more ways to help Nova Vita during this election season, please contact
For more recent news from Nova Vita, visit our What’s New section.